Monday, August 23

Referer Tracking

tech Apparently it isn't a precise science. I have been using Site Meter, and it has been doing pretty well for a while. I just added Blog Patrol, and I like the way it presents the information, and it gives some free stuff that sitemeter charges for. The problem is that Blog Patrol catches a lot of stuff that Sitemeter doesn't (Sitemeter requires someone to actually load the page that I entered when I signed up, BlogPatrol just requires you to load the script that it gives you, so when I am editing my template, and preview it, BlogPatrol adds a hit and Sitemeter doesn't.)

Blog Patrol is supposed to separate out search terms, and give you a list of them, and it seems to be missing them (I need to give it some more time to really check it.)

To ice the cake, I added ExtremeTracking which has lots of information, but doesn't present it very well...

I'll report back when I have decided which to go with. (I'm leaning towards Sitemeter and Extremetracking together...)