Tuesday, August 17

You can smell the desperation...


Or "When faux grassroots movements go bad"

  • Check out Real's Freedomofmusicchoice.org, which is basically a gathering place for all anti-Apple music articles...

  • "Freedom" of choice...
    Sorry, you can't load the page if you are using a Mac... Real will probably be losing about $.40 per song in their new going-out-of-business sale...

  • Their online petition: "Hey Apple, Don't Break My iPod" reads as follows:
    To:  Apple Computer
    Dear Apple,

    Your company has long stood for innovation and open competition. Wasn't it Apple that ran the famous Super Bowl ad encouraging consumers like us to stand up for our right to make our own choices? We're asking that you do the same now and support the right of your own customers to make their own choices about where they buy music for the iPod. We want Freedom of Music Choice! Don't lock us in to purchasing digital music from one source. That's bad for competition. It will stifle innovation. And it will slow the adoption of digital music devices like the iPod.
    Do the right thing. Stand with us for Freedom of Music Choice!

    The Undersigned

    Of the undersigned, so far, I have only seen one positive comment... and that was from Rob Glaser. The funniest thing is that the Apple Store is not the only source for songs for the iPod... but Real doesn't want you to think about buying CD's or anything...

  • :-D

  • Endgame

    This article details the lst gasps of Real's efforts.
    When we started this morning, we had (the ability to post and read) comments on the petition, but we felt there was a vocal minority coming to the site that would intimidate others from actually learning about the freedom of choice in music

    --Real's Spokesman Erika Shaffer