New Post Icons
I'm going to be putting icons in front of each of my posts... this is what they mean:
All of these icons are subject to change... I aspire to have blog software that lets me link these icons to a page that will let you read all my posts on one subject, and maybe even lets me put the icons in easier.
This post is about Technology, usually non internet related.
This post is about something relating to the internet.
This post relates to my favorite computer company: Apple Computer
This post is just a general rambling by me, or relating to me and my life.
This post is about Christianity, or Religion
This is when I hand out a "Thumbs Down" to a company or celebrity... you don't want one of these, it follows you around, haunting you until you leave public life, a hollow, broken, shell of a man (or company.)
Diagram that sentence!This is a post about my favorite, non Dr. Pepper beverage, Tea
This Post is about pictures (not including actual pictures, those will just have the picture in them, probably bigger than this icon.)
This post is about a movie I saw.
This post is about sports... (probably going to get a new icon for that one :) )
All of these icons are subject to change... I aspire to have blog software that lets me link these icons to a page that will let you read all my posts on one subject, and maybe even lets me put the icons in easier.
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