Wednesday, March 31

Web Design

I'm not a professional web designer... I don't know anything about web standards (except that XML is newer and different than HTML, heck I don't even really know if those are standards) I haven't designed many websites... The ones I have designed aren't well designed. But...

Here are some web design faux pas that I see all the time.

1. Lots of different colors on a page.
Pick a color and match all the colors on the page to it... sometimes contrast is good, but not always, and not every 6th pixel.

2. Hard to understand Navigation
Don't make me mouse over to find out what a button does, Don't change from a button to a paragraph when I mouse over, Don't let people put banners on your site that look like they are Windows dialogue boxes, I have 2 grandmothers, they both use Windows, please, think of them (I know I know they are exactly who the banners target, but I can hope can't I?)

3. Lime Green
Don't use lime green, unless you wanna make a statement... and that statement is "I want my website to look poorly designed"

4. Low Color Depth
Lots of people have 32+bit color depth, and if your picture caters to them, it isn't leaving the 8 bit people behind... (although it is leaving the lynx people behind)

I'm sure there are other things... I'm sure real web designers will read this and not leave comments... whatever

Also, I know some people, and they like having me look at their sites to tell them what I think... Some of those people make changes based on my advice... If you want me to critique your page, I'd be glad to. (non-commercial sites please ;-)