Friday, March 11

Dwight Update

meThis is a dual post, I'm going to put it on Johnnymail too, so sorry if you are forced to see it more than once.

I'm about to go back to school for the last run before graduation. Spring break ends on Monday, and then there is not another official break until dead week, after all my classes are over. I'm only about half way through The Brothers Karamazov, so I need to light a fire under myself.

On the Tuesday after I get back, I have my senior oral exam. I'm glad I got to go so quick, I didn't want this hanging over me for too long. It is one hour, and there are three tutors who will examine me. We will be discussing my senior essay on "The Kingdom of Heaven in The Sermon on the Mount." I only have one class that day, but I will have to take off of work in the music library. I am going to meet Ms. Silver for lunch, because she may not be able to attend (she was my essay advisor.) I'm not too worried about the oral, although I've been getting a little anxious now and then over spring break. If you want, I could use some prayer that I will speak the truth clearly and fluently.

Then, the rest of the month I will be studying Relativity, Genetics, recent American poetry, and whatever the senior seminars are about (I know there is one on Flannery O'Connor and one on Faulkner, but I can't think of many others...) I will also be attending my friend's orals, and trying to figure out how to buy a used car that can carry me and my stuff from Maryland to Texas to Minnesota this summer.

I am applying to go to Concordia St. Paul (where my brother goes) to take some pre-seminary type courses. For example: New Testament, Old Testament, Greek, Hebrew, Mission of God, and possibly others. After next year, Thomas graduates (in May) and we may go to seminary together... He is looking hard at Luther, which is in the Twin Cities area, and I haven't really started yet, but am thinking about Concordia Seminary (St. Louis), Luther Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, and maybe Fuller Theological Seminary (In California).

After graduation, I'm going down to spend a week in North Carolina on the beach. My friends Sir Robert and Johanna are getting married, and invited a bunch of people to the week long celebration. From there I will drive with my Mom either in a rental car, or in my car (if I can get one) back to Texas with all of my stuff (tons of books :-D)

I think that is it!