Monday, January 3

Mac Users: Decode Anything!

techWell, just about anything... This page has freeware and shareware to decode and encode just about any format you can imagine:

.zip, .yenc, .uue, MIME base 64, shar, .rar, Tomes, .tar, .sit, .sitx, .cab, .pkg, .arc, .arj, .b64, .bin, .bz2, .bz, .compressed, .cpt, .gnutar, .gnutar.bz2,, .gnutar.gz, .gsm, .gz, .hqx, .lza, .lzh, .macbin, .mime, .pit, .tar-gz, .tar.Z, .tar.gz,, .tar.bz2, .taz, .tgz, .tbz, .tbz2, .uu, .xx, .xxe, .z, .zip, .zoo, .Z, WINAce, .lha, (and more?)

Some of the direct download links didn't work, but the ones I tried let me download after finding the link on the homepage link...