Friday, December 31

Porn More Addictive than Crack

techaccording to a Wired News story:
The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind.

My Other Blog

meIn case you don't read my other blog, I posted a semester preview for my final undergraduate semester over at johnnymail.

Thursday, December 30

techIf you want to keep up with what Dwight listens too check out my page

This site is really cool, I use it because it tracks what I am listening to in iTunes, and compiles a list of my favorite artists and tracks. Then it compares my library to other user's libraries and shows me people with similar listening habits. It also recommends similar artists. The coolest thing it does (and the thing I use the least) is that it gives me a streaming radio station made up of tracks I like and might like.

Very cool if you have a always on internet connection (although I think it will send all the tracks you listened to offline the next time you connect.)


me I've been struggling recently with my blog. For I while I've been asking myself "who really cares about the stuff you post" and so I have been posting a lot less. From now on this blog is mostly just for me (and my mom.) The only difference you are going to notice is (hopefully) more posts.

Tuesday, December 7

Matrix stolen?

all I can say is, ouch

Get Fuzzy

Really funny... Guess I'm not discerning or intelligent...

Wednesday, December 1

Everyman Photo Contest

me Well, tomorrow is the big day... My pictures are in the entry, I guess we'll see if I win something (I think my horny toad pic should have been put in the nature section, but that is my fault...)