Saturday, December 20

Why I Hate MS Word

The stupid Auto everything... some of which you can turn off... some of which you cant... When I make a new line, I don't want stupid autoeverything to automatically tab over for me... I want to do it my self...(cant turn that off)

When I type "Teh" I want to correct it myself to "The"... (can turn that off)

Styles are the most infuriating... I think I have finally obliterated Times New Roman from the Normal style... but I am never sure if it is going to come back...(can change that, but it seems to change back ocassionally)

I would kill Clippy if I met him on the street...(I think he is gone... I deleted him, and wrote random bits over his former disk location for 6 months... but would not be surprised to see him again)

The most annoying thing is that there are options to turn off some stuff... but those options aren't saved all the time... but they are saved sometimes...

I can't even explain the problem I am having with tabs... Sometimes they get messed up (like one line will have a bunch of custom tabs added (not by me, just randomly) removing the tabs fixes it, but sometimes they come back... sometimes the little bottom tab slider gets moved over, FOR NO FREAKING REASON... AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHGHGHGHGHGHGHGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGH

I think I am going to have an aneurism.

Who wants Word 5.1 ported to OSX?