Friday, July 18

I have to dissagree with my brother to the north...

God's own President, George W. Bush apparently has the power to rewrite history. After lying to the American people about probably the most key part of the State of the Union address where he told the American people and the world that there was an imminent threat upon the security of the United States...

Lying implies deception... and the uranium purchase WAS NOT THE ONLY POINT in the presentation of Iraq's threat to the U.S. There was a threat... President Bush presented all of the points... one of them may have been wrong, but there was still a threat.

he is now rewriting history and trying to change the past about why he went to war in the first place

referring to this from the washington post:
The president's assertion that the war began because Iraq did not admit inspectors appeared to contradict the events leading up to war this spring: Hussein had, in fact, admitted the inspectors and Bush had opposed extending their work because he did not believe them effective.

If Saddam allows inspectors into the country, and keeps them from inspecting the country, they aren't effective. So there is no reason to send them... they might as well not be there.

I have always wondered where the evangelical voice that attacked Bill Clinton for lying are.

Where did Bush lie?