Thursday, January 29

On Making Tea...

I don't time my tea when I make it, so I occasionally forget to quit steeping it... I have found that sometimes steeping it for a very long time will make the bitterness that appears after 3 or so minutes go away... I haven't been having much luck lately, I keep forgetting to take the tea out.

Save the Hubble

Save the Hubble

Hey, why not?

When I die...

Someone get an orchestra together and play Brahm's Ein Deutsches Requiem. It is really good... you should probably listen to it sometime...

$10 download from iTunes Music store (Only for people who have iTunes 4 installed, or want to install it. not a sponsored link)

You can get it new on CD at Amazon for 10 bucks (not a sponsored link)here

Wednesday, January 28

What were they thinking?

Pink Hippo Russian Roulette toy

Yeah... great idea

Tuesday, January 27


i got 3 pics approved... download them, so I can make money!!!

Monday, January 26

"bounces" are really spam

Spammers have a new tactic... sending spam so that it looks like a bounce... most filters ignore "mail delivery subsystem" message, so the spam gets through... I hope spamcop lets me report these as spam soon...

Sunday, January 25

Free Bible (Text and Audio)

Saturday, January 24


Hey... just uploaded some pics to, so that link might work soon

Also... "Atom" apparently isn't compatible with RSS... so until NetNewsWire supports it I will keep the other RSS feed.

Friday, January 23

New Atom Feed

Thanks Blogger...

Change it to this... I am taking away the old one as soon as I find out the difference between Atom and RSS

Thursday, January 22

Helium-3 on the Moon

Helium-3 on the Moon

Why shouldn't we go back to the moon if there is Helium-3 there?

Description of Helium 3

Saturday, January 10

iPod Added to 1984 commercial

You can view the 1984 ad here (
Notice that the hammer throwing lady now is listening to an iPod... pretty sure that wasn't in the original...

Friday, January 9

What I learned at Urbana Part 2 of...

Howdy... Some more of what I learned at Urbana:

Spiritual Gifts are not limited to spiritual application... If, for example you have the gift of teaching, you can use that to teach Math, not just sunday school. Didn't know that...

There are two new religions started every day. College students spend 3 billion annually on soft drinks, and 1 billion on bottled water. Wow...

As my brother has said before, knowledge is not sufficient. We can't know and trust a creed for our salvation. Salvation comes from Jesus, not from our proper knowledge and understanding of the bible.

Wednesday, January 7

At Kinkos

Hey... just got my computer back from Apple... new 60GB hard drive put in to replace the crashed one... realized I didn't have as complete a backup as I thought... Kinkos has free wired internet, so I am updating the system software to try and solve a problem I have had... when I close the lid on my PB, it never wakes up... If I cant solve the problem by updating I will take it back to the service center

Monday, January 5

What I learned at Urbana Part 1 of...

Urbana '03
There was an emphasis on culture. The western church has been focusing too much on creating new christians in their own image. For example a Lutheran Church in the United States sends out missionaries to Africa, and wants that missionary to plant churches that will, eventually, look just like the american church, just with africans instead of german americans. The western church has been guilty of spreading the gospel of medicine and money instead of the Gospel of Jesus. Comfort is not the ultimate goal of Christianity.

That is what I can think of for now... Any comments?


Christ is the Master; the Scriptures are only the servant. The true way to test all the Books is to see whether they work the will of Christ or not. No Book which does not preach Christ can be apostolic, though Peter or Paul were its author. And no Book which does preach Christ can fail to be apostolic, although Judas, Ananias, Pilate, or Herod were its author...
Martin Luther (1483-1546),
Introduction to the New Testament

New Fotos

Put some pics up from Urbana... at my fotolog

Sunday, January 4

Back from Urbana '03

Hey all... I just got back from Intervarsity's tri-annual Missions Conference in Urbana, Illinois. Lots of cool stuff. I hope to post some pictures soon...